Why Choose Badger Bookkeeping?
With years of experience serving the construction and trades industries, we know the ins and outs of your business. Our team is well-versed in the financial intricacies that come with construction and trades, from handling complex project costs to managing subcontractor payments. This specialized knowledge allows us to provide tailored solutions that fit your unique needs.
Our Values
Helping and serving is at the core of who we are at Badger Bookkeeping, we want to go beyond just our quality of work and customer service. We have established three core values that our company stands behind; we desire to be a business that gives back, serves others, and leaves this planet better than we found it.

Family Values
Our planet and the people that are on it are precious. That is why Badger Bookkeeping is committed to making a donation to Compassion every time someone books a meeting using our online booking system. Compassion supports children and youth giving them a greater chance to attend school and establish a career. Read more about Compassion HERE.

Community Values
Family is extremely important to us. We know that time spent with loved ones has such a greater impact than spending time behind a desk. Therefore, we have made a commitment to our families to put business on hold during evenings and weekends. Our commitment to our customers is important, and we promise to always deliver, but our families are most important.

Global Values
We believe that everyone should strive to make their community better. Whether that is volunteering, donating, or just raking your neighbour's leaves, our communities become better when we care and connect. That is why Badger Bookkeeping is committed to making a donation to the Regina Food Bank every time they sign on a new customer. Read more about Regina Food Bank HERE.